Thursday, January 8, 2009


Ive said this before but Wilcos Sky Blue Sky makes you feel like everything is gonna be alright.

In the last month ive seen Slumdog Millionaire, Doubt, Rachel Getting Married, Revolutionary Road, Milk and Frost Nixon. I kind of want to jump off a bridge. Oddly enough i found Frost Nixon to be the most fascinating although Slumdog was the most complete film and Revolutionary Road presented the best performances. Rachel Getting Married was well done too but id never recommend it to a living soul.

Sometimes feeling pain is a good thing because it reminds you that you are alive. I dont think people enjoy their pain enough, not that im a masochist by any means. What i mean is that we feel things for a reason and you have to go through those emotions and feel them completely before moving on. Thats why there is Radiohead.

Life is about moments and enjoying those moments while in the present. So the key is to put together enough good moments so you are continually living a good life. Find what makes you happy and do it.

This year the Philadelphia Phillies won the world series. The first championship in 25 years for the city of Philadelphia. Its amazing what sport can do to energize a group of people. A city mired in recesssion and crime came together to celebrate. Noam Chomsky argues that sports are a waste of time because all they do is distract us from the real issues at hand. That might be true but sometimes we need distraction. Real life aint going anywhere, sometimes we just need a break from it.

You gotta do you before you can do other people.

The holidays arent the same without kids. At 28 i am the youngest in my family and any excitement that surrounds christmas with my family has left with my adolescence. As adults we just sit around, eat drink and be merry but there is no youthful exuberance. Little kids have faith, they can believe things without any empircal evidence. Maybe there was a time when adults could do that but its less and less now it seems. Im gonna start believing in Santa Claus again for next xmas and see how that works out. That or i have to get some chick pregnant soon. Hmmm... maybe not.


Unknown said...

never forget your childlike's what keeps you current.

And, whether good or bad, pain IS what keeps us feeling and allows us to realize that no emotion is ture without it. If you find that to be true,it's only a matter of time before you recognize that it's how you interpret it that makes it so.

piper. said...

"that is why there's radiohead". i freaking love you, tones.