Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Klan Rally - RNC

I know its a bit far north from the usual Klan meetings but something about 20.000 white people gathering together to preach their beliefs seems eerily familiar to a klan rally.  It looks like the most homogenous crowd ever assembled for national television.  Theres more whities there then at a free Creed concert.  I realize i am from the north east but every other person has a cowboy hat and every other woman has shoulder pads.  They also all probably have automatic weapons tucked into their waste bands.  Once in a while you will see a black person in the crowd and i have to believe that they have been voted off the island.  They definitely cant go back home. 

Moving on... Right now Rudy is preaching his agenda and the crowd has busted out saying "Drill Baby Drill!"  I think im about to vomit.  I think i just vomitted a lil bit in my mouth.  No i dont think, i just did, literally.  Every other point the republicans argue revolves around liberals being to PC and calling out the DNC as being to easy on radical muslim terrorists.  Whats funny is that the Republicans have control of the white house, theyve had control for the last 8 years.  Which means the Dems havent really had the opportunity to do anything about the so called "war on terrorism."   It seems eerily similar to the same fear mongering that the Bush administration has used to trick the dumbass fundamentalist conservatives over the last 8 years.  

Palin just stepped on the stage.  I have to admit that shes kind of got that hot librarian thing going on.  I kind of feel like im in the video for "Hot For Teacher."  If she wasnt so crazy i might sleep with her.  But then id be afraid that she would pull a Praying Mantis on me and take off my head with an AK-47.  

After five minutes all she has done is introduced her family.  I think she is gearing up to play the "fued".  With her hockey sticks and weapons she would probably dominate Family Fued.  I am waiting for her to say something of substance because those far she has just taken pot shots at Obama and has said nothing about what she stands for.  I dont think she has blinked the whole time up there either.  I think she might be a robot.  She just promised to use the "power of veto."  So instead of actually getting stuff done she is promising to make sure that nothing gets done.   

Ugh, honestly i feel physically ill so im just gonna end this ... 

for the love of god america, step the fuck up and knock these bitches out 

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